صدمه عمیق بافتی
Another major change has been the delinea- tion between unstageable pressure ulcers and suspected deep tissue injury.
However, the defi- nition of suspected deep tissue injury (DTI), a deep tissue discoloration under intact skin or a blood-filled blister that may ultimately evolve to a full-thickness lesion-as further defined in 2009 by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP)-European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP)3 Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment guidelines-makes this general rule difficult to defend.
A suspected deep tissue injury (DTI) may look rather innocent to the family as a "simple deep bruise" (discoloration) with maybe a little torn skin.
The suspected DTI may evolve through a course that can include tissue ischemia, tissue necrosis, necrotic tissue separation, and even ultimate cavitation or ulceration.
Given the new definition and understanding of suspected deep tissue injury (DTI) from NPUAP, an area of purplish discoloration on an immobile patient's sacrum that was not documented on admission but appears 24 hours later would:
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